TIP of the Week – What are the 8 Values of World Class Companies?


It is well documented that motivated employees outperform demotivated ones by a huge margin. Typical benefits include:

Reduced absenteeism – Increased profit – Less quality issues – Increased customer loyalty – Reduction in waste – Less staff turnover and recruitment, and so on……….

Who wouldn’t want to achieve these results? But did you realise you can get all these benefits for FREE? The only investment is in your time and the right approach, but if you are a leader shouldn’t you being doing these things anyway? World Class organisations believe in values to drive behavioural performance. Over many years of experience, TIPS for Good Management has identified 8 key criteria which done well will bring you success.

Here are the 8 values that World Class Companies live by. How do you measure up?

1 – Recognition: When people do a good job they naturally receive the appropriate recognition.

“Get someone else to blow your trumpet and the sound carries twice as far”

2 – Embracing Change: Being open minded to opportunities & not being afraid to implement new ideas.

“A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn”

3 – Positive With Customers: Paying attention to your customers wants & needs (internal & external)

“If we don’t look after our customers, someone else will”

4 – Positive In Yourself: Demonstrating through words & actions, an upbeat attitude despite mental & physical obstacles

“What the mind thinks the body follows”

5 – Peoples Contribution: We value each person’s contribution to the success of the business.

“If you don’t keep the score, people won’t play the game”

6 – Excellence: People care about attention to detail  & offering the highest standards of service internally & externally

“Doing ordinary things extraordinarily well”

7 – Enjoyment: We want people to have fun at work whilst at the same time achieving business objectives.

“Do a job you love, and you never have to work a day in your life”

8 – Building Relationships: Working together to create powerful teams focussed on business success

“No one of us is smarter than the all of us”

So, where are your strengths and weaknesses? Are there any values you would add to the above? Please send us your thoughts. For more detailed information about our values based training programmes please contact Julian  info@tipsfgm.co.uk

