Management and Leadership – Level 5

These qualifications are designed for practising middle managers and leaders at operations, division, departmental or specialist level, who are typically accountable to a senior manager or business owner. The primary role of a practising or aspiring manager and leader is to lead and manage individuals and teams to deliver the aims and objectives in line with the organisational strategy.

Cmi Approved
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Typical units and assessments

Our qualifications are broken down into units and relevant topics aligned to the level and qualification. Typical units for the Level 5 Management and Leadership qualification are

  • Principles of Management and Leadership in an organisational context
  • Principles of developing, managing and leading individuals and teams to achieve success
  • Managing stakeholder relationships
  • Managing projects to achieve results
  • Managing change
  • Creating and delivering operational plans
    Managing finance


For learners

  • Develop the skills needed to lead and manage individuals and teams
  • Provides a broader knowledge of skills to help you be more effective in specific management areas

For organisations

  • Deliver aims and objectives in line with wider organisational strategy
  • Gives you a fully comprehensive bank of the skills and knowledge required to be a manager as part of an organisation
  • Focus on the areas that are most appropriate to your role and organisation

Chartered Manager

Do you strive for excellence?  Do you deliver positive results for your business?  Can you track the link between the two? As a Chartered Manager you’ll join a community of high performing professional managers who are self-aware and skills focused, delivering real value for their business


Completing a CMI qualification offers you more than just academic standing, alongside your qualification you have access to CMI Membership and Support for the duration of your study. This includes access to digital learning resources through ManagementDirect, our Careers Development Centre (CDC) and much more. We’ve pulled together all the key additional learning resources together for your studies.

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Award from: £450 + VAT
Certificate from:£787.50+ VAT
Diploma from: £1920 + VAT


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